Liberal Arts in Action

"The garden is a great complement to book learning. You can’t spend time talking about earth and land and not directly interacting with it…it's life-changing to see where your food comes from. Ultimately I'd like to work within the growing movement centered on food justice and equity."

-Corinne Almquist '09, ES/religion major, garden worker

Middlebury College Organic Garden

Growing Green since 2002

Like any ecosystem, the garden's all about connections—with earth and its critters, with other people in the College and community, with academic subjects that take on new life and depth when your hands get dirty, and with a fertile future.


Give Now

Help the garden grow.


Garden Recipes

A great (simple) Italian-style soup from winter staples kale and white beans


Gardening Tips

If you're thinking about planting, here's what to start indoors and plant early. Courtesy of Renee's Garden seeds.


Seed Money

Your gift supports our summer interns, our garden advisor, our seed and compost budget...