Dear <#if .vars["oldpersonaltags__extra1"] ? trim ? length == 0>${.vars["oldpersonaltags__first"]}<#else>${.vars["oldpersonaltags__extra1"]}, There are almost 30 days left until Reunion 2013! We hope that you’ve already registered and made plans to come back to campus June 7–9. If you haven’t, there’s still time: One of the things that makes Reunion so wonderful is the outpouring of support Middlebury receives from alumni in honor of their Reunion. As of April 26, 147 members of the class of 1993 have made a gift to Middlebury this fiscal year (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013). Your support means a lot to your classmates and to current Middlebury students, so thank you! We’ve included the class donor roll as of April 26, 2013, below. If we missed you, please let us know. If you haven't made your gift this year, you can do so online at or by calling us at 888.367.6433. Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support for Middlebury. Your gift has an immediate and tangible impact on today’s students and faculty. Donor Roll (4/26/13): Julie Troy Afzali Tanya Rettkowski Ames Elaine M. Anderson John S. Atherton Pamela Daigle Ault David K. Barclay Ofelia Barrios Eric D. Batchelder Christian H. Bauta Annmarie R. Benedict Eliza S. Booth Christopher I. Brown D. Wynne Weisman Brown Barbara A. Burgess Heidi Zecher Burke Ninive Clements Calegari Peter S. Carpenter Sladjana Kovijanic Carton Emily G. Caswell Rebecca B. Chollet Jennifer Gould Cippoletti Tony S. Claudino Christa Martin Clifford Nan Mitchell Covert Rebecca Drees Coyne Emily Ewell Daughtry Sandhya Subramanian Douglas George N. Doupsas Sharon E. Durland Lori Landau Dyer S. Ashley Kincheloe Dyson John R. Erickson Jennifer M. Lewin Flaster Justin Lincoln Fletcher Carl Forsman Kathryn Bailey French John D. Gartner Emilio Gomez Anna Grattan Flik Allison H. Gray Adam C. Greenberger Christine E. Gresser Richard M. Gronda Matthew R. Hale Claire Melton Hames Jonathan R. Hanlon Jeff L. Hannemann Sally Murphy Hatcher Matthew E. Hoenck Kristin L. Hood Lisa G. Horwitz Sarah H. Humphries Andrew J. Hyland Kimberly Griffith Hyland Amy M. Jamrog Ryan K. Jennings Stephanie A. Johnson Eric R. Jones Timothy D. Juliani Sally K. Keefe Anna K. E. Kjellson Emily J. Kleeman Olga Jackson Koecher Robert J. Labick Robert A. Lagerman Reinhold Lange Laura LeClair Christine M. LeDoux AndrewT. Levinson Jiaming Li Jennifer Ruh Linder John E. Linder Ellen S. Lindquist David R. Lippert David T. Low Jr. Aileen Ramirez Mancillas Alexis Pelletier Margreiter Jennifer Parry McCarthy Amy Fox McNulty Brian P. Meehan Richard J. Merriam Heather L. Micati Holly Jean Cookis Michaelson Joshua A. Miller Anne Moore Odell Renee A. Moran Amoreena Maria Hartnett O'Bryon William P. O'Bryon Kiley Walsh O'Meara Cole F. Odell Marianne Odfjell Jeffrey G. Olsen Kristen Diane Britt Orsini E. Christian Parker Shawn Rae Passalacqua Elise M. Pelletier Alexandra Flynn Phillips Nancy Olson Pierzchala Stephen M. Prescott Cynthia Parson Puccio Justin P. Puccio Tracy F. Purinton S. Carolyn Ramos Mark F. Raskopf Heidi Rehm Sarah B. Richardson Brian T. Rickauer Ossian B. Riday Susan Caldwell Rinehart Jonathan H. Rothstein Peter L. Rubin David S. Salisbury Jodie Lachowitz Sandman Laurie Hutchins Schaecher Alexa Evans Schnauck Timothy A. Shaw Nina J. Silver Dylan T. Simonds Neil A. Sinclair Benjamin T. Small Kelly Rivers Small Christopher M. Smith Stacy Hale Smith Tonje Kilen Snow Charles J. Sprigman III Schaunel L. Steinnagel Cynthia P. Stillinger Sarah P. Swanz Sara E. Switzer Remigius Bayna Taflan Margaret M. Terry Jonathan W. Thayer Hollistir Hodson Thurston Jennifer Tolo Pierce Michael D. Walker Jacqueline Schneider Waller Peter N. Webber Brian C. Welch Lee Casselman Whelan James W. Wilcox Monica Rueda Williams Jennifer Tremblay Williamson Sonya K. Wing Erin Kahn Withstandley Matthew S. Yeoman Harrison R. Zanuck Patricia Falkenberg Zanuck P.S. If you made your gift after 4/26/13 and didn't make it onto this donor roll you will be included on our donor roll online. Thank you! ===================================================================== This was message was intended for: ${.vars["personalizedtags__res_email"]}. You are receiving this message because of your affiliation with Middlebury. ${.vars["linktags__unsubscribe_link_text"]} Manage your email subscriptions