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Season’s Greetings from Middlebury College
It’s wintertime at Middlebury, but as bracing as the weather might be, the admissions office is heating up with inquiries and applications. This mailing is one in a series designed to make the college application process a little more enjoyable by bringing you news about interesting things that have happened at Middlebury.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can answer questions or provide information that you cannot easily find on our website. To help make things easier for those applying to Middlebury, admissions links and deadlines can be found at the bottom of this screen.
Middlebury showed what innovative liberal arts students can do when they put their knowledge to work. Our students competed against a select group of teams from around the world to build the most energy-efficient house, in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon. Middlebury took fourth place and also received a special honor, showcased on the PBS Nightly Business Report.
Each August, first-year students are assigned a book to read before September, which they discuss in small groups during orientation week. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Junot Díaz, was this year’s book. Even better: the author came to campus to talk with first-years about his work.
Middlebury heats the campus with a biomass plant that will help make the College carbon neutral by 2016. This is just one of the many ways Middlebury promotes environmental sustainability. This interactive map will show you around.

To save energy used for paper production, printing, and shipping, Middlebury uses electronic means in communicating with prospective students
and interested individuals. |
Ways to Stay Connected
You can find Middlebury College on these social-networking sites. |
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